The School
The School
Well here it is. Our little Wing Chun School in the burbs of North Seattle. I hope you enjoy your time here learning about the school, its instructors and curriculum. As you can see the school is very small, occupying about 300 square feet of my home. It does however have all the necessities for learning Wing Chun. We have a Wooden Dummy, wall/podium bag and lots of outdoor space for sparring and weapons training.

The floor is concrete so all students must wear shoes when training and there are no bathroom/changing facilities so come prepared to train. In the beginning you will only need some comfortable clothes to train in but as you progress through the system you will need some light sparring gear. This will include light sparring gloves, mouth piece and a cup. You are welcome to wear addition protective gear if you wish.
This is a classical Wing Chun School. All the classical forms are taught and all training is specific to developing the art and the ability to fight. We train hard but try to keep a very casual atmosphere. We will occassionally take on children as students but only for current adult students who are attending the same class. We do not offer childrens classes or a child based curriculum.
The History
The North Seattle Wing Chun School came into existance about mid 1998. After years of personal training I decided I wanted to open a school of my own to continue my own growth but wanted it to be small and personal. These factors are why I decided to run the school in my home.

The school has seen many many students come through the door. Some have lasted for a short time and some have been with the school for almost as long as it has been open and at this point there are four students that have graduated to instructor levels.

Available Lessons
(Post COVID)
Current Students
Large group classes have been eliminated for the forseeable future. However, if you are a current student of the school, individual and small group classes (Max. 2) are available. There is no formal class schedule so get a hold of me via phone/email/social media to schedule a time to train.
New Students
Large group classes have been eliminated for the forseeable future. I am available for private and small group (Max. 2) lessons. Use the Contact tab to get a hold of me to discuss available times and costs.

The Levels
Sil Lim Tau - First Form Level
Chum Kiu - Second Form Level
Mook Jong (first half) - Wooden Dummy Level
Bue Gee - Third Form Level
Mook Jong (second half) - Wooden Dummy Level
Lok Dim Bune Kwan - 6 and one half technique pole form
Bat Jaam Do - Butterfly swords form
Class Schedule
(Post COVID)
Large group lessons are no longer available.

Private lessons and small group (Max. 2) lessons are available. Please contact the school if you are interested.